In addition to using the correct gear, familiars and heroes, using the correct army lineups and countering them effectively is one of the most important part of lords mobile battles.
There are 2 main types of formations in lords mobile: phalanx & wedge.
Phalanx is the more straightforward formation with a single troop type in the front and is easier to counter. Wedges on the other hand have 2 troop types in the front, and are slightly more difficult to counter.
In addition to the enemy formation, the best troop type to use is also very heavily dependent upon the troop composition. This guide explains how to counter the different battle formations while attacking in lords mobile for generic cases assuming an equal distribution of all troop types.
Also see my guide on How to Check Enemy’s Phalanx in Lords Mobile, for both targets with & without anti-scout.
Counters for Different Army Lineups
Infantry Phalanx

Infantry phalanx has four squads of infantry as the frontline that will be targeted first. After the infantry frontline has been eliminated, the cavalry squads will be targeted, followed by range in the end.
To attack an enemy in Infantry Phalanx use:
- Cavalry blast, if they have a roughly equal distribution of all troop types.
- Range blast, after eliminating the infantry frontline, or if they had less of it to begin with.
- Infantry blast, to hit the last row of range troops, after infantry & cavalry squads are dead.
Ranged Phalanx

Ranged phalanx has four ranged squads in the frontline followed by infantry & cavalry.
To attack an enemy in Ranged Phalanx use:
- Infantry blast, to target the ranged frontline.
- Cavalry blast, to target infantry after eliminating the ranged frontline.
- Ranged blast, for the last row of cavalry when infantry & ranged troops are dead.
Cavalry Phalanx

Cavalry phalanx has 4 cavalry squads as the frontline, followed by ranged and infantry squads.
To attack an enemy in Cavalry Phalanx use:
- Ranged blast, for targeting the cavalry frontline.
- Infantry blast, for range after the cavalry is eliminated.
- Cavalry blast, for the last row when only infantry is left.
Infantry Wedge

Infantry wedge has 2 infantry squads as the frontline, which will be targeted first by all 4 of your squads. Now, the initial formation shows a mix of infantry and ranged troops after the frontline. However as the battle starts and the squads start to move to the front, the targeting will change.
The enemy range squads hit from a distance so they will stay behind, while the enemy cavalry will run fast and overtake them. So if you are able to eliminate the 2 infantry frontline enemy squads you will hit a mix of infantry & cavalry troops, making cavalry attack the best option.
There are only rare cases where you would hit ranged troops in an infantry wedge, that is if they have a really small amount of infantry left, so that the first 2 squads die in a matter of seconds before the cavalry is able to outrun range. In this case using a range attack will be better.
Based on the above, to attack an enemy in Infantry Wedge use:
- Cavalry blast, to target the infantry frontline.
- Range blast, if they have little to no infantry for the cavalry & ranged troops.
Ranged Wedge

Range wedge has 2 range squads as the frontline which will get targeted by all your squads at first. However in the meantime, the cavalry squads will have moved to the front positions. So in most cases after eliminating the range front line, you will be hitting cavalry troops.
The correct troop type to use for ranged wedge is very heavily dependent on the troop comp. If the enemy has substantially large range numbers, using infantry is most effective. In this case though, the enemy’s cavalry will run out faster and start to deal huge amount of damage to your infantry before the infantry can even begin attacking.
However, if the range troops are not insanely high so that the first 2 ranged squads will die quickly enough, it’s best to send a ranged attack. After eliminating the range frontline, your range will target the cavalry and deal substantial damage. Also your range can start hitting from a distance, while the enemy’s troops, specially infantry, will take a long time to reach & start attacking your troops.
Based on the above, to attack an enemy in Ranged Wedge use:
- Ranged blast, if the range troops are not insanely high.
- Infantry blast, for taking down a high troop count range frontline.
Cavalry Wedge

Cavalry Wedge is the most straightforward wedge formation in terms of attack mechanics, because the range troops are already at the back. The 2 cavalry squads will be targeted first in the frontline, followed by a mix of infantry & cavalry troops.
To attack an enemy in Cavalry Wedge use:
- Cavalry blast, if the cavalry and infantry are roughly equal.
- Range blast, if the enemy has lot of cavalry & low infantry count
Ending Notes
These counters explained above work in most generic situations, however it is very important to look at the troop composition to decide what troop type to use in battle.
Have any more strategies for countering different battle formations? Leave any thoughts or questions in the comments below.
Hello, by “blast” you mean an army made entirely of that troop type, right?
Yes that’s is what he means
Yes, blast is a single troop type army 🙂
Hi all i need help with i cant beat trial of fire mixed stage please help they in Ranged phalanx w 120k t5 inf, 79,000k t5 range and 84,000k t5 cavs.. ive tried 442 ect.. please give me exact lineup to win.. thank you in advance
Inf blast :p
I would prob just go inf, in inf phal, with your best inf boosts, to explain what I mean by that
This doesnt explain what formation you should use against enemy fornations though :/
Because its a blast I would assume a phalanx and not a wedge , to hit with.
I was expecting a more specific answer
E.g use range phalanx for cavalry phalanx
Ok, I get ‘blast’ is one troop type, but what formation is best for these blasts?