Huey Hops Pacts Pack Lords Mobile

Huey Hops Pacts is the pack for obtaining pacts for the familiar Huey Hops. It also gives some EXP elixir along with some resources.

Huey Hops is a great familiar which provides Infantry ATK boost in battles. You can also see the Best Familiars to Awaken in Lords Mobile.

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Huey Hops Pacts Pack Full Rotation

You can buy this pack starting from $5 and going up to the $100. The value of the pack decreases as it scales. The following packs can be purchased in one rotation :

  • $5 pack – 5 Huey Hops Pacts
  • $20 pack – 15 Huey Hops Pacts
  • $50 pack – 25 Huey Hops Pacts
  • $100 pack – 35 Huey Hops Pacts

Is Huey Hops Pacts pack worth buying?

Rating : 3.5/5

Huey Hops has really good infantry stats and is one of the top 5 familiar for infantry. It is also great for wonder battles.

If you are also making monster gear it will be better to purchase tokens and get pacts from tycoon. However, this pack is still a decent value to finish the familiar faster.

Before you Go

Let us know if you think Huey Hops is worth upgrading and which other familiar packs you think are useful in the comments below.

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