Best Familiars for Attack Lords Mobile

Familiars are assistants which are sent into battle along with heroes and can be really powerful if used correctly. You can send a maximum of 5 familiars into battle in addition to your heroes, depending on how many slots you have unlocked. This article talks about the best familiars to use for attack in Lords Mobile.

To use a familiar in battle it needs to be awakened, i.e. you need to upgrade it’s army talents. See my guide on Familiar Awakening & Best Army Talents for more info about which are the best familiars to upgrade overall and their respective costs.

When attacking someone, it is best to send just one troop type and use all familiars which boost that troop type. Defense however works a little differently and you can see the Best Familiars to Use for Defense.

Update : Included the new familiars – Jade Wyrm, Hell Drider, Mole Shaman, Magus & Noceros – in the stack ranking.

Attack Familiars Lineup

The attack boosting familiars tend to perform the best when attacking, followed by HP boosting familiars. The defense familiars give very little boost and are not worth wasting orbs on.

  • The paid Pact 5 familiars (Bon Appeti, Blackwing, Gargantua, Huey Hops, Queen Bee & Frostwing) give the greatest boost for each troop type.
  • The newly added Jade Wyrm works great too since it reduces the attacking power of the enemy.
  • The Shield Summoning Familiars (Hoarder, Snow Beast & Saberfang) are quite powerful in battle, although a little too costly to upgrade.
  • The stackable familiars (Gremlin, Trickstar & Goblin) are my absolute favorites, delivering the largest boost for a decent cost.
  • Gryphon is also amazing, since it gives a huge boost and works with all troop types making it definitely worth getting if not going for the paid fams.
  • The new ATK/HP fams (Mole Shaman, Magus, Noceros) have a decent stats boost and can be used if you don’t have the pact 4/5 familiars.
  • Tempestite and the newly added familiar Hell Drider, may not be so useful in hitting mix comps since they will target only a one squad, so won’t be as effective.
  • Mega Maggot and Pyris while fairly powerful, are a little too costly to justify getting them.

The following are the best familiars to use for attacking for each troop type in order of effectiveness.

RankInfantryRangeCavalryRarityArmy Talent
1.Bon Appeti Icon
Bon Appeti
Blackwing Icon
Gargantua Icon
5Deals 600% Inf/Rng/Cav ATK damage to largest squad, when 4% troops are dead.
2.Huey Hops Icon
Huey Hops
Queen Bee Icon
Queen Bee
Frostwing Icon
5Deals 150% Inf/Rng/Cav ATK damage upto 5 times to largest squad, when 8% troops are dead.
3.Jade Wyrm Icon
Jade Wyrm
5Reduces damage inflicted by enemies by 9% when 4% troops are dead.
4.Hoarder Icon
Snow Beast Icon
Snow Beast
Saberfang Icon
4Protects 7% Inf/Rng/Cav troops from killing blow when 12% Inf/Rng/Cav troops are dead.
5.Gemming Gremlin Icon
Gemmin Gremlin
Trickstar Icon
Goblin IconGoblin3Stackable; Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 100% when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
6.Gryphon Icon
4Increases Army ATK by 200% when 10% troops have fallen.
7.Mole Shaman Icon
Mole Shaman
Magus Icon
Noceros Icon
3Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 60% and HP by 60% for 15 secs when 5% of Inf/Rng/Cav troops are dead.
8.Hell Drider Icon
Hell Drider
5Petrifies one of the largest enemy squads for 11 seconds when 7% troops are dead.
9.Mega Maggot Icon
Mega Maggot
4Stuns all enemy heroes for 5 secs, when 15% troops have fallen.
10.Tempestite Icon
3Stuns largest enemy squad for 8 secs, when 10% troops have fallen.
11.Pyris Icon
3+60% boost to heroes’ tactics skills (Squad ATK) for 10 secs at the start of battle.
12.Engineer Icon
Gnome Icon
Yeti Icon
1Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 15% at start of battle.
13.Harpy Icon
Sorcerer Icon
Strix Icon
2Increases Inf/Rng/Cav Max HP by 80% for 10 secs, when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
14.Aquiris Icon
3Reduces enemy Army Max HP by 15%, at start of battle.
15.Evil Weevil Icon
Evil Weevil
2Increases Max Army HP by 15%, at start of battle.
16.Jaziek Icon
Terraspike Icon
Magmalord Icon
1Reduced enemy’s Cav/Inf/Rng Max HP by 40%.
17.Bonehead Icon
Totempest Icon
Bouldur Icon
2Increases Inf/Rng/Cav DEF by 80% for 10 secs, when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
18.Territe Icon
2Reduces enemy’s Army DEF by 15%, at start of battle.
19.Krabby Icon
2Increases Army DEF by 15% at start of battle.
20.Beastmaster Icon
Oakroot Icon
1Reduces enemies Cav/Inf Def by 40%, at start of battle.
Bon Appeti Icon
Bon Appeti
Blackwing Icon
Gargantua Icon
Deals 600% Inf/Rng/Cav ATK damage to largest squad, when 4% troops are dead.
Huey Hops Icon
Huey Hops
Queen Bee Icon
Queen Bee
Frostwing Icon
Deals 150% Inf/Rng/Cav ATK damage upto 5 times to largest squad, when 8% troops are dead.
Jade Wyrm Icon
Jade Wyrm
Reduces damage inflicted by enemies by 9% when 4% troops are dead.
Hoarder Icon
Snow Beast Icon
Snow Beast
Saberfang Icon
Protects 7% Inf/Rng/Cav troops from killing blow when 12% Inf/Rng/Cav troops are dead.
Gemming Gremlin Icon
Gemmin Gremlin
Trickstar Icon
Goblin Icon
Stackable; Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 100% when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
Gryphon Icon
Increases Army ATK by 200% when 10% troops have fallen.
Mole Shaman Icon
Mole Shaman
Magus Icon
Noceros Icon
Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 60% and HP by 60% for 15 secs when 5% of Inf/Rng/Cav troops are dead.
Hell Drider Icon
Hell Drider
Petrifies one of the largest enemy squads for 11 seconds when 7% troops are dead.
Mega Maggot Icon
Mega Maggot
Stuns all enemy heroes for 5 secs, when 15% troops have fallen.
Tempestite Icon
Stuns largest enemy squad for 8 secs, when 10% troops have fallen.
Pyris Icon
+60% boost to heroes’ tactics skills (Squad ATK) for 10 secs at the start of battle.
Engineer Icon
Gnome Icon
Yeti Icon
Increases Inf/Rng/Cav ATK by 15% at start of battle.
Harpy Icon
Sorcerer Icon
Strix Icon
Increases Inf/Rng/Cav Max HP by 80% for 10 secs, when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
Aquiris Icon
Reduces enemy Army Max HP by 15%, at start of battle.
Evil Weevil Icon
Evil Weevil
Increases Max Army HP by 15%, at start of battle.
Jaziek Icon
Terraspike Icon
Magmalord Icon
Reduced enemy’s Cav/Inf/Rng Max HP by 40%.
Bonehead Icon
Totempest Icon
Bouldur Icon
Increases Inf/Rng/Cav DEF by 80% for 10 secs, when 10% Inf/Rng/Cav troops have fallen.
Territe Icon
Reduces enemy’s Army DEF by 15%, at start of battle.
Krabby Icon
Increases Army DEF by 15% at start of battle.
Beastmaster Icon
Oakroot Icon
Reduces enemies Cav/Inf Def by 40%, at start of battle.

Ending Notes

The familiars that you will ultimately send in battle will depend on your main aim in the game, whether you want to lead or fill rallies, the number of opened slots and the amount of money you are spending on the game. Overall in my opinion, it may be better to save your orbs for stronger familiars rather than upgrading the smaller familiars early on in the game.

Which familiars do you use for attack? Leave your thought & questions in the comments below.

6 thoughts on “Best Familiars for Attack Lords Mobile”

  1. Hi,
    Thanks for your guide.
    I understand your sort order (even if I haven’t unlocked the army talent of familiar niv5) but have a question: for cavalery you think that Yeti is definitely better than Terraspike?
    I currently can use 4 familiars: so I select griffon/goblin/tempetiste, but I’m hesitating for the last one as I own yeti and terraspike.
    I feel like the attack boost of 15% given by yeti is not really interesting when you already have 450% attack, contrary to terraspike which decrease infantery health by 40%, which is quite useful. May I have your opinion?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Terraspike like is more useful, if your going against your opponent, you could use terraspike to reduce Your enemy attack

    • Pyris is a familiar that can cross a shield the only reason why was because i was attacked by on and what it does is kills 8,000 of the second lowest troops which i had mine sheltered so he wasted a familiar attack on nothing but now that i am stronger with 830k troops for sure they will kill some of mine.


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