How to Check Enemy’s Phalanx in Lords Mobile

When hitting offline targets you can maximize your damage by checking the frontline of the target and sending a counter hit. Below I have explained in detail how to check the phalanx in Lords Mobile for targets both with & without anti scout, along with the battalions to use for each test.

It’s always best to test the enemies frontline before a hit to do maximum damage, as well as to check if they might be baiting. However, checking phalanx can get costly if doing very often. You can start with a test march size of 100k troops, and then try reducing the size to 50k once you get comfortable with testing.

See how to check phalanx for targets along with battalions, heroes & fams :

For targets with report (no anti-scout)

Checking frontline for targets without anti scout is fairly straightforward. You need to hit the target with siege (along with some buffers) to break the wall and then compare the report before and after hitting to see which of the enemies troops got injured.

Step 1 – Scout the target and note the wall HP in the report.

Wall HP Before - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 2 – Also note the troops in the infirmary.

Infirmary Before - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 3 – Hit with siege (along with some buffers) to break the wall.

Heroes – For breaking the wall send all the siege heroes (Prima Donna, Incinerator, Elementalist, Dark Follower) that you have, and fill the remaining slots with army attack heroes. Don’t send your leader. 🙂

Familiars – Send your best familiars providing mixed battle or army stats. The most important thing to remember, is to not send any of the paid familiars (like bon appeti, blackwing, frostwing etc.), since they hit the largest squad and might hit the backline troops, resulting in an incorrect test.

Siege Phal Check Battalion - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Troop Comp – The amount of siege you will need depends on the HP of the wall. It’s best to use 60% T4 siege along with 40% T2 inf or cav buffers, so that your T4 siege does not die. If you do not send inf or cav buffers the troops will come out of the wall and go in infantry phalanx by default.

Wall HPT4 SiegeT2 Buffers (Inf / Cav)
<=500k60k40k Inf / Cav + 4 Rng
5k – 1m90k60k Inf / Cav + 4 Rng
1m – 1.5m120k80k Inf / Cav + 4 Rng
1.5m – Max Wall150k100k Inf / Cav + 4 Rng

Step 4 – Scout again and check if the wall is broken.

The wall HP should be 0. If not broken, note the new troops in the infirmaries and send siege attack once again.

Wall HP After - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 5 – Check what troops went in the infirmary.

Compare the new scout report with the previous one, to see which troop type got injured (generally T1 or T2). That would be the frontline of the target. In case the infirmary is full, or the target has no infirmaries, then you can also compare the troop comp before and after your hit to see which troop died.

Important Note :– If your buffers die before the wall is broken, all the troops will walk out in infantry phalanx. If you see infantry in infirmary, it’s generally a good idea to send a small test march again to confirm the frontline, specially for 1m+ might walls.

Infirmary After - Check phalanx in lords mobile

For targets with anti-scout

Testing targets with anti-scout on generally requires more than one hit. You need to first break down the wall with siege. Then send an attack with each troop type (cav, rng & inf) and compare which hit did the most damage.

Step 1 : Break Wall – Note the troops wounded and troops lost for the target. Then hit with siege and some buffers (same as shown in previous section) to break the wall. If the wall is broken, the Troops Wounded count would increase (or Troops Lost, in case of full infirmaries). If the count does not change, send siege again till the wall is broken.

Troops Wounded

Step 2 : Cav Test – Note down the might of the target and hit with a cavalry test march in Range Phalanx, with a 60%-40% split of cav T4 & T2 along with buffers. For the cavalry test march, send your best cavalry heroes except for your leader, as well as the best cav familiars. For familiars, do not send the paid familiars (bon appeti & huey hops) since they might hit the backline.

Cav Test Battalion - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 3 : Rng Test – Note down the new might & calculate the might drop of the target from the cav hit. Then hit with a range test march in Cavalry Wedge, with a 60%-40% split of rng T4 & T2 along with buffers. Send your best range heroes (except leader) and familiars (except paid ones like blackwing & queen bee).

Rng Test Battalion - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 4 Inf Test (optional) – Note down the might drop after the range hit. In most cases it is sufficient to send just cav & range tests to tell the phalanx, however you can also send an inf test march to confirm.

Note that sometimes, if a target has a range frontline, the inf test march might show 0 damage. It’s because the infantry troops walk very slowly, and might get killed by enemy’s faster cavalry troops before they are able to reach the range troops. That’s why inf test is not always reliable, and it’s better to just use cav & rng tests.

Inf Test Battalion - Check phalanx in lords mobile

Step 5 : Compare might drop – Compare the relative might drop of the different hits, the hit which resulted in the maximum dropped might would be the counter to the frontline.

  • Cavalry Front – You cavalry test march, will cause a small might drop, however the range test march will cause a much higher drop.
  • Infantry Front – Cavalry test will cause a huge drop, the range test won’t result in much damage.
  • Range Front – This is generally the trickiest to tell. However, in this case, the cavalry test will cause very low or almost no damage. The range test will result in a very slightly higher drop than cav test, but it won’t be as significant as in case of cavalry frontline.

The best way to learn phalanx testing is by trying out the test marches on some friend’s castle and note down the might drop in each case with your battalions. With time & practice, you will be able to tell the frontline easily based on the might drops.

Sample Test (Inf Frontline) –

Might BeforeMight AfterMight Drop
Break Wall642,992,249642,820,315171,934
Cav Test642,820,315642,659,567160,748
Rng Test642,659,567642,618,64340,924

How do you test the frontline of the enemy? Have any questions about testing the frontline of target in Lords Mobile? Do let us know in the comments below!

8 thoughts on “How to Check Enemy’s Phalanx in Lords Mobile”

    • I think I know what you mean… since we are trying to find their phalanx we don’t want to confuse the death of their front/middle/backline troops if you use familiars like pact 5 that go for the backline troops.

      • Yes, that’s right. Pact 5 familiars target the largest squad, so they can hit the frontline or backline, we can’t tell. So while checking phalanx we don’t send them since we only want the frontline troops to die.

    • It means that they will either hit the siege troops or whatever troops they have in the back line of there army line up what u want to test is the front line

  1. Hi, sorry it might be something obvious, but why is the inf test optional? What if target is in ranged phalanx, how does one check that with range and cav test.

    • Generally with range phalanx, both the cav and range might drop will be very low, with range only being very slightly higher than cav. Try to note down the drops for each phalanx when you test each time, in most cases just cav and range tests are enough to tell. 🙂


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