I have put together a list of the best cavalry heroes to use for a blast attack in lords mobile. There is also a breakdown based on F2P & P2P heroes, as well as suggested replacement heroes, if you haven’t maxed out some of them yet.
In addition to heroes, it’s also important to use the correct cavalry gear & jewels, attack familiars, talent points and battalions, to deal the maximum amount of damage.
You might also be interested in :
- Best Infantry Heroes
- Best Ranged Heroes
- Best Fort & Wall Defense Heroes
- Best P2P War Heroes Lords Mobile
Recommended Cavalry Lineups
In lords mobile battles, it is almost always better to hit with one troop type to maximize your attack stats. You need to use the correct type of hero that matches with the troop type when attacking, i.e. you need to send cavalry heroes to battle, when attacking with a cavalry blast. Each cavalry hero you send, will be attached with one cavalry squad in the battle.
An cavalry hero sent with an cavalry squad, will deal 200% squad attack to the enemy, till the time the squad is fighting. If will also give additional Cavalry ATK, HP or DEF stats to your whole army, even after the squad is eliminated.
For an cavalry blast attack, since there can be only 4 cavalry squads, you only need to send 4 cavalry type heroes for the squad atk. The 5th hero can be of any troop type since it won’t be fighting in the battle, hence using your best army attack hero may give a much higher boost than another cavalry hero in most cases.
Important note : Don’t forget to send your leader in battle for your gear and talent stats to apply.
Below I have suggested the best lineups for a cavalry blast for P2P & F2P players.
- Lineup With 11k Heroes
- Lineup With P2P Non-11k Heroes
- Lineup With F2P Heroes + Watcher
- Lineup With F2P Heroes
- Replacement Cavalry Heroes
Lineup With 11k Heroes

Stats : 210% ATK, 210% HP, 75% DEF
Dark Magistrar is a Ranged hero, but he gives 60% Cav ATK and 30% Army HP, setting him way above other Cavalry heroes.
Lineup With P2P Non-11k Heroes

Stats : 140% ATK, 175% HP, 150% DEF
This is the best P2P lineup if you don’t want to buy 11k heroes. Lore Weaver can be replaced with Berserker or Songstress of the Sea in this lineup, since all 3 have the same army stats.
Lineup with F2P Heroes + Watcher

Stats : 100% ATK, 175% HP, 100% DEF
This is the best cavalry lineup with F2P heroes if you have unlocked watcher. If you have also unlocked Chaos Dragon, you can use that instead of Death Knight.
Lineup With F2P Heroes

Stats : 100% ATK, 150% HP, 100% DEF
Bombin Goblin is a ranged hero, but gives 20% Army ATK and so is better to use compared to other Cavalry heroes. Same as the above lineup, Chaos Dragon will replace Death Knight once you have unlocked it.
Replacement Cavalry Heroes
These are all the Cavalry heroes ranked from best to worst in terms of stats. You can use this list to replace any of the heroes in the above lineups if you don’t have the best ones yet.
I have used 1 ATK = 2.5 HP = 5 DEF for ranking the heroes in general. However, heroes with a higher attack stat have been given a slight preference, since the damage of the pact 5 familiars is based on the troop attack stats.
Rank | Heroes | ATK | HP | DEF |
1. | ![]() Shapeshifter | 60% | 30% | 0% |
2. | ![]() Dark Magistrar | 60% | 30% | 0% |
3. | ![]() Steambot | 30% | 50% | 50% |
4. | ![]() Barbarian | 30% | 50% | 25% |
5. | ![]() Child of Light | 30% | 50% | 0% |
6. | ![]() Night Raven | 30% | 0% | 50% |
7. | ![]() Vengeful Centaur | 30% | 0% | 25% |
8. | ![]() Rose Knight | 20% | 50% | 0% |
9. | ![]() Don Guappo | 30% | 0% | 0% |
10. | ![]() Chaos Dragon | 25% | 0% | 30% |
11. | ![]() Lore Weaver | 20% | 25% | 25% |
12. | ![]() Storm Fox | 20% | 25% | 0% |
13. | ![]() Death Knight | 0% | 50% | 50% |
14. | ![]() Sage of Storms | 0% | 0% | 50% |
Ending Notes
The 11k heroes give a huge boost in terms of attack stats, but are obviously very costly to max out. Excluding the 11k heroes, the P2P and F2P heroes have same attack stats, however it’s the HP boost from P2P heroes that really sets them apart.
What hero lineup do you use for attack? Please share any thoughts or questions in the comments.
Thanks for this usefull guide.
Some questions on the 5th hero with the army attack boost:
– do we need to add at least 1 troup of his type to activate his army boost?
– if this troup died, and so the squad die, does that mean his boost is interrupted?
– if the 5th hero has the same type than the 4 others heroes, do you know how the 5th hero is selected?
Thanks in advance.
Hey Anton
No you don’t need to add any troop of that type to activate the army attack boost. The army attack boost will apply even if you send no troops of that type, or they all die.
If all 5 heroes are same type, then it does not matter which hero gets assigned to the squads as long as they are all golden, since the squad attack for all of them will be the same.
I noticed rose knight was higher than lore weaver in ranking. I saw the difference cause lore weaver has def boost where rose doesn’t. Is it a huge difference to swap lore weaver for rose knight? Does defense boost make a difference than having more attack and hp boost when using cavalry lineup?
– Volt
Both Lore Weaver & Rose Knight have the same atk boost, but Rose gives 25% HP compared to 25% DEF from Lore. HP is always valued higher in the game compared to defence.
Thanks for all the info provided on your page, it is really valuable.
One question: shouldn’t the Lineup with F2P Heroes + Watcher have Bombin’ Goblin instead of Death Knight?
Bombin Goblin is a range hero, we want to keep atleast 4 cav heroes in the cav blast lineup and one best army hero.
Thanks a lot for sharing this lineup. Very helpful, clarified my confusion around the fifth hero type.
Thanks, glad to be of help 🙂