Setting the right talents in lords mobile battles provides you a huge boost that is absolutely essential for war. This post talks about the best way to set your talent points for different types of attacks.
Talent Points & Talent Set Researches
At player level 60, you will have 278 talent points to spend. You can also gain an additional 10 talent points by completing the Hidden Talent research under Military Command tree.
To save sets of pre assigned talents, you can unlock Talent Sets by completing the Innate Talent research under the Upgrade Military tree. Completing this research will allow you to save 10 Talent Sets.

Talent Point Sets for Different Troop Comps
While setting talent points, the lower talents in the tree give the most value for the points used, so start with maxing out the lower talents first. Also defense talents provide only a small boost and you should prioritize setting attack & health points first.
Infantry Talents
The talent point setup to use when attacking with an Infantry blast. This setup provides 70% Infantry ATK, 5% Army ATK, 100% Army HP and 100% Army DEF and uses 246 points. I put the remaining 32 points in Training Speed 2, to save some speedups to heal quickly while hitting.

Ranged Talents
The talent point setup to use when attacking with a Ranged blast. This setup provides 70% Ranged ATK, 5% Army ATK, 100% Army HP and 100% Army DEF and uses 246 points. The remaining 32 points are put in Training Speed 2.

Cavalry Talents
The talent point setup to use when attacking with a Cavalry blast. This setup provides 70% Cavalry ATK, 5% Army ATK, 100% Army HP and 100% Army DEF and uses 246 points. The remaining 32 points are put in Training Speed 2, same as the above two.

Mixed Talents
There is no single best set for mixed talents, as they would vary with the troop comp you want to use. However this is a generic talent setup that you can use for defending forts or castles.
You first need to max out the Squad Offense 1 as well as Squad Health 1 & 2. Also max out the points for infantry, range and cavalry offense 3. The remaining points can be allocated to infantry, range and cavalry offence 2 to balance out your stats based on your comp.

How do you allocate your talent points? Leave your thoughts or questions in the comments below.
Nice write up. Only question is why allocated talents in Defence?
I have played with so many different rally leaders and none suggested allocating talents in DEF.
Reply would be appreciated.
For blasts there are enough talent points to max out all troop type & army atk, hp & def, so no reason not to max out to get the extra boost. For mix, it’s better to focus max out only atk and hp since there are not enough talent points.
Why do they bother with defense at all then? If you’re being attacked example in a base fort or stronghold would it no be better to max out defense hp and then fill teir 3-43 points( max talents only)in each individual atk yes this lowers atk but you are not using attack you are defending and that is what you are doing!
LM novice here but I think atk/hp/def are the attributes for the troops themselves. The outcomes of battles are calculated by various numbers including these innate talents boosts.
It shouldn’t be read as the squads performing a literal attack or defense. So a defense boost doesn’t mean it’s only active if you are being attacked. In the same vein, if you are attacking someone you would benefit if you have HP and DEF points.
The general advice by players is the best bang for your buck for gear, talents etc is ATK>HP>DEF.
Comment on as accés a plusieur set de talent .
You need to do the Innate Talent research under Upgrade Military.
Cool, more knowledge from that
But, my question now is; why do I have to buy and use the talent reset everytime I want to swap my talents
Because money grab lol
Same as everything else in the game 🙂
It is best if we give remaining talents to siege engine offence it becomes useful during line up test and escaping of leader during major atk.
During testing the lineup/phalanx of the enemy we don’t send the leader, hence the war talent points and gear etc do not apply.